Nov 18, 2009

The hackers related to Velayat-e-Faghih attacked Ayatollah Boroujerdi’s Weblog

When a regime extremely becomes weak and feeble, its situation becomes so pitiful, painful and regrettable that resorts to the worst and inhuman methods to make its internal feeling of baseness and ignobility disappeared and wiped.

Basically filtering and the lack of speech freedom in every regime is an obvious evidence for its acceptability and it will be the heritor of an illogical regime by violating indisputable principles of republicanism. There is no doubt that people’s views and their critics about the government is one of the primary definitions of republicanism. That regime that doesn’t allow people to criticize it, undoubtedly will fall down soon or late because of dictatorship.

Ayatollah Boroujerdi as one of the most serious critics of Velayat-e-Faghih, has always called religious dictatorship the roughest sort of dictatorship in history and has sustained the severest tortures and problems through the enemies and opponents of freedom because of his belief in the separation of religion from government.

The authorities of the republic of Velayat-e-Faghih that is in fall slope, have increased their efforts for releasing from legitimacy crisis during last months. They think they can go on their government by spending exorbitant sums of public treasury on filtering, but it’s too late. This time in spite of all obstructive elements, Iranian great nation has united and are ready to remove the regime of Mullahs and victory is near.

Viva homeland

Viva freedom

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